Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dear Andhra NRI Friend,

For very longtime I am yearning to write this letter to you. Sorry for being late. Nothing held me back for this long, other than my belief in you that attitudinal change happens one day or the other. Sorry to say this friend, you let me down. Long maintained my personal belief has been rattled by your chronic disease- selective amnesia, when it comes to issue of Telangana. Now I get a doubt whether you can still remember me.
 I am – Mahesh Thipparthi guy with fat bum. Buddy please do not claim that Andhras helped (developed) to grow my bum. Please acknowledge, this is my own effort. If my name is not enough for you to recall my association with you. Let me tell our meeting point-“Park CafĂ©” at Chadar Ghat Bridge-where we had chat over cup of Tea (Coffee) I ordered Tea, Samosa and you ordered Coffee, Punugulu which you did not get. You remember; you complained then that “Why we won’t get coffee, punugulu in Hyd”.I still remember the way you looked down upon Telangana culture and food habits. I thought that it would go as you stay here more. I also thought you change with time. After that you migrated to America. I’ll keep it to myself how many fake degree/experience certificates you created to get US Visa.
                Going by the comments you are writings about Telangana on your websites and telephone calls you are making to news channels that all Telugus should be united forever and there is no Telangana sentiment at all and only 1000 people want it (Only Harish Rao got around 1 lakh majorityJ). Of course you are no longer mentioning this stupid argument after By- elections. Instead you have taken up other stupid arguments. There is some sanity is still there otherwise insane human being that you are.
 I really doubt why these news channel guys give some much preference to calls from US, as if citizen here are less important. You also said, if I can recall, that 3 people gathered in New York or somewhere (one of them is claimed from Telangana) decided that Telangana is not required at all. That day friend, I fell down laughing at your stupid understanding of situation. And also your professor, Mohan XXXX, was saying that Gentlemen agreement was private one it does not hold any validity. It is said that surroundings do have profound effect on ones thought process. Even your stay at America – that land known for its liberal values and justice did not change you any which way. Friend if you do not mind I have a question – have you ever mingled with any Native American there all along your 10 year stays there? Or simply tuning in to stupid telugu news channels primarily anchored by Anakapalli gang?
I have got innumerable things that you said immaturely of Telangana. Dear friend, for want of time I write you next letter with all that as soon as I can. I have no hope left in me that you open up your mind and think rationally about anything including Telangana. By any chance you have good news to share feel free to drop me email.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Telangana Irrigation figures and its true face

“I talked to a senior officer and he said that more than 75% of irrigation budget (which incidentally happens to consume the largest pie here) is being spent in Telangana”.
A Good friend of mine puts this question to me. Here is my answers to him.
You better be warned that never believe in percentage figures when someone cites in AP. People of AP are so good at coming with percentage for everything under the sun. They say “90% people are corrupt”; “80% of this group is like that”;"50% people are like that" and many more you encounter as you go along. Some time myself surprised at the dexterity with which there guys come up with percentage figures. Even in remote villages this is the same case. I like to term this is as "AP Flawed Percentage Theory (APFPT)". I justify why it is flawed one. Why the state that is obsessed with "percentages" produces more engineers than business man? I feel businessmen are adept at these percentagesJ. It is also no surprise that Satyam fiasco emanated from AP- the great land of numbers and percentages. Jokes apart let me tell you what is happening under these false statistics. Here is my understanding of the situation.
Main Rivers and Dams
Just give you back drop.AP has three regions namely Andhra (Coastal Andhra), Royalseema, Telangna. AP has two main rivers namely Krishna and Godavari flowing through it. Krishna enters AP @ MahabubNagar and culminates into Sea in Krishna district. Godavari makes its way into AP @ adlibbed and reaches its destination in Godavari districts. In addition these two rivers there are two more small ones - Tungabhadra and Penna. These two are in royalseema region. Going by the Batchawat tribunal AP has been divided into 4 or 5 basins or more, namely Krishna basin, Godavari, Tungabhadra and Penna basin. The simple philosophy of this basin theory is that places fall under their basins are legitimate claimants for water. Bye any yardstick this is just philosophy.
What is Jalayagnam?
Assuming that my “flaw philosophy” is flawed and say really 75% is allotted to Telangana and also we have to keep in mind that this allotment happened only from 2004 (this is due to heat generated by Telangana movement).Before that there are meager allocations for Irrigation. As you know "statics are like Women skirts what they reveal is trivial what they conceal is vital”. Let me tell you how false information is passed around.  To understand this let us see how “Jalayagnam” is detrimental to the Telangana.
 This is cunning scheme under which Irrigation projects are undertaken. Let me explain you what is the plan. In AP, as I said earlier, we have two rivers and two main projects (dams) one is @ srishailam (left is Mahabub Nagar- Telangana) ,right canal is in Kurnool dt of Royalseema. And other one at Nagarjunasagar dam in Nalgonda Dt of Telangana. I am no irrigation expert. The details I am providing may not be to the details. However contours of the details are undisputable. Take my word for that.
Under Jalayagnam mainly following projects are undertaken.
1. Devadula Lift irrigation(Telangana) - Godavari
2. Parnahitha-Chevella (Telangana) - Godavari)
3. DummuGudem ( Telangana)
3. Polavaram (Andhra)
4.Pothireddipadu head regulation (Royalseema )( Krishna river)
There are many small projects here and there.
State discrimination
          PothireddyPadu as I mentioned above is for royalseema.This is project designed for flood water. If there is excessive flow in Srisialam, flood water should be diverted to this project. Under this Jalayagnam, the storage limit of Srisailam is increased so that there will be more water of Pothireddypadu.Under this scheming, in place of excessive water they can directly take "actual water”. This width of this regulator is increased to take more water to Kadapa - YSR home district. This illegal because Kadapa falls under Penna -Basin. It means you are diverting Krishna basin water to Penna basin.     Leave that. One can claim that we are under so called fucking Telugu state - we need to adjust. People of Telangana might have magnanimous enough to concede that. It was done under most clandestine way. This concept of “Oneness” was chosen when other party interests are paramount.
     As you can guess easily, this project creates deficit in Krishna River. To the left of Krishna - we have Telanagna.Both Srisailam and Nagarjunasagar Left canals are for Telangana which have exponentially less capacity to right canal. How these projects are constructed to suit their interests is a different story altogether let me reserve that for future. I suggest you to watch movie - "China Town". This exactly reflects the Telangana irony.
     That means less water. Anyway Telangana is getting less water, it is least of Jalayagnam worry. There is also less water to Andhra through right Canal. SO this deficit needs to be bridged. What is the way?  Bring the water from Godavari!   How? Now you have Dommegudem (Telangana) project but to bridge the deficit created by Pothireddypadu.for whose benefit? For the benefit of downstream Andhra region.  I told statics do conceal many things. This is cleverest way to cheat people. Project in the of Telangana but help Andhra. On the way does it irrigate Parched Telangana Lands? No.
     I must tell you one incident here. After Nuclear Pact, Center has given permission to AP Govt for nuclear plant. This gentle man wanted to put the nuclear plant in Kadapa.As you know how much water nuclear plant needs. This water also he was planning to get from Pothireddypadu.His scheme was to loot Telangana due share under the false national pride. Thank god it did not materialize; God has taken this soul form further devastation. As you are claiming YSR death did not create any vacuum in AP, It has given sigh of relief to people of Telangana from looting. By Indian tradition (I feel ashamed to consider myself as Indian, given the Indian establishment indifference to state discrimination) we seldom celebrate death. But we celebrated it. In the recent past I have seen people celebrating when Saddam Hussein hanged to death.
 Water to Hyderabad?
     As you know Hyderabad falls under Krishna -basin.Hyderabd thirst must be quenched by Krishna River that is what law says. There are many projects designed for that. But they do not find mention in "Jala Yagnam".   They came up with one more project (I forgot its name), to bring water from Godavari. This project not even allows the other districts drinking water needs. But only for Hyderabad.  What is the story here? Krishna water is for some special people? And whose account this project gets into? Telangana. It is like I have my money in your account but I’ll use it but you end up paying taxes and do not have any right to use.
This systematic looting did not end with irrigation; it speared its tentacles to every possible field. I want to end this with one real story. In Mr. Naidu rĂ©gime, there was DGP called H.J.Dora.Prof. Jayasankar on some occasion had to explain the systematic exploitation of Telangana to Mr. Naidu in the presence of H.J.Dora. At the end of the meeting H.J.Dora remarked “It is absurd. If what you are saying is true, there should be revolution by now”. This incident shows two things. One is how ignorant people are of facts. It is no surprise that you senior officer was giving such an absurd figure. Even our oppressors are bit reasonable saying only “50%” went into Telangana.
And other thing is that oppression has got it limits. It surely turns into revolution; already it is. Few timid people like me who may take refuge under the “materialistic world benefits” and express that anger from the comfort of computer. However, always there will be some who can’t take thing easy. Fortunately that tribe is in abundance in Telangana.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Is Gaddar is gadaar of Telangana Movement?

Arrival of new entity - Telangana People Front (TPF) - to spearhead the Telangana movement has perplexed seasoned observers of Telangana movement. What is rationale behind its formation?  What prompted Mr. Gaddar to float new front when the deadline of Justice Srikrishna Committee report fast approaching. How exactly this new event should be understood? Before I get your attention to the possible reasons for this new front, let me dwell upon the Gaddar Phenomenon.
Gaddar Phenomenon: 
Like all others fellow Telangana compatriots I am big fan of Gaddar the singer/writer. His contribution to Telangana folk literature is outstanding. Kind of influence he had on the generations of writers and folk singers is immeasurable. He mastered the art of explaining otherwise complex things like capitalism in a common man’s language. Most of the times that is in the form of songs. Very recently I was going through research article of P Kesava Kumar on Gaddar in Economic and Political Weekly. What I understood from that article and also from my own understanding of his personality that his commitment to the people‘s cause is unquestionable. However there is also different school of thought that is making round in Telangana is that Gaddar commitment to people’s causes mellowed after 90’s.Like all others he too was bugged by materialistic world and thus diluted his long maintained principles. After the announcement of TPF, he started talking about “Collective Leadership”. For any organization to succeed the need of the hour is to have “Collective decision making” infrastructure rather than “collective leadership”.Prouncment of “Collective Leadership” speaks of his inherent fear for criticism from different quarters. This one quality any leader best not to posses. Though he was great revolutionary, intellectual, singer and writer, but his leadership skills were never tested. It is also said of him that he is very much temperamental in nature. These qualities-as his critics are saying-are to be true, leading any popular front is not going to be easy.
Is this the clash of ideologies?
TPF Idea must have been mooted long ago in his circles, but it came into light after Mr. KCR’s closed door meeting with CEO’s.This for me, is clash of ideologies. May be Gaddar and his ilk wanted to take Telangana in the communist way; Here is KCR who is striking middle ground between communism and capitalism. This seems to have not digested well by Gaddar and his ilk. To create jobs and wealth for the people, Telangana has to embrace responsible capitalism. Gaddar and his ilk way of thinking do not hold any water in the present times. For some, it may look like clash of ideologies.

Arrival of Dalit Politics?
              Dr.Ambedkar envisioned that smaller states help the dalits to become ruling class. If this the motive behind TPF, all right thinking citizens should welcome this whole heartedly. In the north of vindyachal,dalits have conquered the feudal powers. In the south of vindyachal also it happened in TN,Kerala.Going by the Dalits intellectual inclination for smaller states both in Andhra and Telangna,makes me to think that this might be the rationale behind it. I wish this should be base for this new front.
Political game?
              Gaddar ambivalent comments on TDP make some to think that Gaddar has some clandestine understanding with Mr. Naidu. Naidu did everything possible to get his party on track in Telangana such as creating artificial divide between north and south Telangana, casting aspersion on TRS, arm twisting Telangana leaders and pitting one leader against other. Nothing seems to have worked for him. May be under the cover of Mr. Gaddar, TDP may be planning to breathe easy. For me this seems to be naĂŻve argument. Reason being Gaddar’s love for Mr. Naidu is known to everybody. As his critics are saying if this Gaddar is neo-Gaddar, there is possibility. If this is the motive, he becomes gadaar of Telangana movement. I  do not think he takes that risk and feel that this is far from political game.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Who are “Real” Anti nationals?

In the representation made to Sri Krishna Committee ,SeemaAndhra Ministers mentioned in their report that people asking for “Telangana“ separate state are anti nationals. This statement void of any rational logic and it is apparently tells people of India that how arrogant Andhra leadership has become. Anybody who has different opinion with them in anti-national. In this present arcticle, I want to deconstruct Seemandhra society and how their society traits are responsible for present state of affairs in the state and also for arrogant comments like this.
 Death of Democratic institutions:
                 Ever since Telangana agitation started there is one interesting thing that has gone unnoticed- leaders from Rayalaseema started talking about Democracy. In their wildest dream also they never practiced democracy. Though I was born in Telangana, I did my entire education in Rayalaseema, except few years here and there. As kid growing up there in early 90’s it was very difficult to go to school in elections times, you never know from where bombs may hit you. Election Day like a bandth day. Nobody with right mind would go to pooling booth to exercise their vote. In villages’ situation was even worse. Total booth capturing. One political party MLA cannot enter opponent’s strong hold. I feel utterly ashamed to be ruled by these Royalseema Leaders who never practiced any kind of democratic principle are ruling the state in different capacities. These leaders respect for human values is known to all. Leave alone human values they never respected human lives also. Killing opponents for flimsy reason is their way of life. With utter shamelessness they support those killings.
The little we talk about these guys giving respect to dalit men and women, the better. Absence of naxalism there perhaps the reason for that.It is really sad to see that in the state level not a single person represents dalits or OBCS from Rayalaseema. There is no room for “ Manda Krishna Madiga or Kadiam srihari or P.Mahendranath” in that part of Andhra Pradesh. There was no question of violence free polls. I feel really ashamed to listen to these feudal leaders talking about “democracy”. When these leader emerged from such a back ground which is notorious for disrespecting minimum democratic principles and occupied the positions that are reserved for only for true statesmen what else will happen is everybody’s guess.
These guys have who tasted the literally the human blood by killing their opponents, started tasting the blood of capitalism. This resulted into building business conglomerates, media houses, and cement factories etc. When ruthless mind is backed by ugly affluence out of misuse of power has become last nail in the coffin for democracy in AP.When this happens there is no force on the earth can contain them? This very attitude of these gentlemen resulted in diverting the due water to Telangana in the form of Pothireddypadu. This even went to the extent that YSR Reddy was planning to put up Nuclear power plant in his constituency by diverting Krishna Rivers. The reason is that under the interest of notion he wanted loot the resources of Telangana, wanted to legalize his wrong motives. The list is endless how Rayalaseema leadership dismantled democratic setup in AP.
Economic Terrorism:  
If there is any award for so many financial frauds in this country that certainly must go to Andhra Pradesh. You can take recent “Satyam Scam” to the tune of 14000 corers of rupees. Prior to this “Krushi Bank scam” and before that “Charminar Bank scam. Or for that matter GTB scam. Leave alone all the pretty scams that happen across Andhra Pradesh almost on weekly basis in terms of runaway “chit Funds”. If there is any common thread passing through all these scams is- the owner’s hip of these institutions big or small is predominantly from one region. It is common knowledge that this was done with tacit support of then political leadership at the state.
 How State Finance Corporation (SFC) has become testing tool for so called Andhra entrepreneurship should a case study for any reputed B-school, as this clearly underlines the fact how any institution can be decimated for personal goals with the support of state. This economic terrorism with the support of state unleashed my dear Andhra friends has far reaching consequences to the shareholders of society. Same kind of unscrupulous money that has gone into encroaching land around Hyderabad and drive the poor peasants away from cities. There is school of thought that this economic terrorism has far reaching consequences of the people as it directly affects the lifeline of human being instead of the terrorism perpetrated on the lines of religion or anything.    
In Undivided AP,Rayalseema leadxers  dismanted the democratic institutions for their own personal goals and Andhra leadership perpetrated economic terrorism on the state for their very own personal benefits. Going by any dictionary anti national is one who works against the constitutional framework. Our constitutional framework is based on democratic norms. Given the back drop I have given it can be easily inferred from those activities of dear Andhra and Rayalaseema leaders that these people deeds are against our constitutional framework. Under the cover of Telugu” my dear leader you looted and cheated Telangana. When the people of Telangana, for legitimate reasons, asking for separate state you are calling them anti-nationals. When you parted ways with Madras state weren’t you one my dear Andhra minster?. If I conclude that I am under the rule of anti nationals, is it a fair statement to make, going by your own admission to Sri Krishna Commission?
I want to conclude this article by asking simple question to you - ministers who is real Anti National?   
P.S : Today is Indian Independence Day. If independence is all about celebrating our democracy, Telangana people may have to wait little longer.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What a Leader! What Kind of People.......

Going by the history of Telangana, people of this sacred land always fought with evil such as Nizam tyranny, feudal suppression on their own. No leader was spearheaded those moments. Leaders emerged out of common men and women with very common back grounds. Whenever they tried to rally behind one leader or party, they were let down. All this made people to put faith in one organization or individual is not good idea.Pehaps they tried “Diversifying risk” by believing too many parties and leaders. This too did not yield any results. It is common knowledge that “too much of diversification” won’t yield good results.
As they say history is necessary evil because it always bequeaths a mental baggage to generations. It seems sometime to me that "this mental baggage" outlived its utility. I guess time has come for the people of Telangana to change their age old strategy and direct them in an entirely new direction and rally behind one person or party whose commitment to our collective dream “Realizing the Dream of Telangana state” beyond doubt.
These by-elections thrown a great opportunity at our doorstep to prove to the world that our collective dream is “Telangana State” and also to put faith in the leadership.Here you have one leader who is doing everything at his command to inch near our dream- KCR. I mentioned in my earlier posts that he took all the responsibility on his bony shoulders. Don’t you think is it the time to strengthen his shoulders?
What he did?

He sided with UPA in 2004, they ditched him later. He could not go again with UPA in 2009. He had to join hands with NDA. This is the only option left for any other party in the India.In2009 he sided with TDP to make it mention “Telangana” in its manifesto. His pressure tactics made even “PRP” to commit to Telangana. He brought consensus among all political parties in AP.This was the reason behind 9th Dec 09 statement of Govt of India. He used every resource at his disposal to realize our dream.
               BJP and TRS commitment to Telangana is total though other political party’s opinion is not crystallized yet. Going by the reports TRS win is certain in all the constituencies. My request to Nizambad voter is that you hold the key to Telangana future. Mr. D. Srinivas eyeing some minster ship is doing more damaging to the cause of Telangana than our enemies. To realize our dream BJP support is as much important as Congress. If we won’t elect BJP MLA,it reflects poor on our charterer. In future, If BJP changes its stand on Telangana citing this as the reason; it will have far reaching consequences. Perhaps due to Andhra lobby pressure. This really pushes away our goal from us. Beware !, whole world is watching this. Dear voters of these constituencies let us not jeopardize our future.
P.S :                                                                                                                         
To thinking some, it seems that “title” of the article in not in tune with content. You got it right. This is not. This is not the heading of present article. However this going to be the heading of my article post by elections if anything goes wrong. I sincerely hope that I never have to write under this heading. I borrowed this title from Andhra Jyothi editor - Srinivas - One of the best journalists Telangana gave to India, and twisted it to suit current topic.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is Mr Rosiah PVNR in Making?

 This was written when Mr Rosiah assumed AP CMs office on a different blog - Oct 25 2009

.....for a record i am mere reproducing

  They say history always repeat itself. and they also say that unfortunately humankind never learns lessons from their mistakes or for that matter from successes of their predecessors. Perhaps this peculiar trait of the society makes it to move or crawl ahead or backward every now and then.
                   History also do have peculiar habit of  throwing very good opportunities at door steps of  most unprepared peoples . It happened twice  in the past two decades. Once it happened to PV Narasimha rao in the early nineties when he alomst prepared to get out of politics and retired to write books.
                   It happened again few months back when AICC asked Rosaiah to take the reigns of AP when he almost wanted to retire from the politics- that is precisely the reason he did not participate in recent assembly elections.Given the experience and opportunity he had to work with as many chief minister as AP congress had in past 30 odd years it may come handy for him to deliver his duties as chief minister.
                   As a finance minister he was always at the receiving end of the chief ministers for their thought less decisions. Given his political and social back ground he was always nice to other CMs though he knew very well their wrong spots.He covered them within the assembly and outside of it as a dutiful lieutenant.
                   Now that he occupied the center stage he must deliver the goods now. This is time to implement all his good ideas that he chanced upon and correct the wrong  doings his bosses have done in the past as his friend Mr  PV Narasimha rao did a decades ago.
                  If Rosaiah  does to AP what PVNR has done to  India, AP surely becomes a better place to live in.All the best CM !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dear Fellow Telanganite

If I were to address my Telangana people who are despondent because of battle bruises as a result of tireless fighting for their society prosperity and of their own, here it goes.
Dear Fellow Telanganite,                             
Out History:   
We have a great history of fighting for the righteous and just causes. We also have great history of not get weathered by the defeat. We fought back many a times. Is not we who fought along with Indian army to get our independence from Nizam tyranny? Are not we the people who challenged the history many a times with never dying fighting spirit? Fighting occupied larger share in our history. Our fight shall continue till we achieve our goal. The question before all of us today - How “this very fighting spirit” can be utilized in a positive way for the development of all sections of society.
                Is not it the Telangana society faulted to apply the same “fighting spirit” on its economic front? It is very common knowledge that business are built with only people who have “fighting spirit”. Why have we failed to do that though we have “fighting spirit” in abundance?  Is not this very same society has necessary wherewithal to fight back but it can’t take risks on economic front? This is very contrast to our own ethos. Unfortunately “Fighting Spirit” made us dearer to communism in place of Capitalism. An open society such as ours- which will embrace the people from across the country and their cultures and cuisine, should have embraced capitalism. Unfortunately Telangana intelligentsia and elders attracted to communism. This hampered our progress on economic front. In addition to this, AP administration filled with Telangana detractors further denied necessary economic wherewithal. Partly this fear is due to lack of necessary financial assistance from the state. This should change.  To thrive on economic front requires lot of soft infrastructure. We should have created more bankers. we should have created more industrialists. But that did not happen. This all can be reverted to normalcy only when we have proper educations system.
We always maintained that "Language" is an instrument to establish bonds and win over the hearts of our guests. Perhaps that is the reason we embraced Urdu, Marthi, Kannada, Gujarathi, Hindi and many more. Is not the pure "Telangani" that we speak is confluence of Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Urdu? Unfortunately in this country some group of people think that "Language” is a means to loot people, exploit the resources and suppress the genuine democratic voice. Are not we entrapped by our detractors, by taking false pride in the language – Telugu? However, we do not hold anything against language, but we bitterly oppose the idea of language being used as instrument of suppression. Don’t you think that shunning this language "Telugu" - which is an instrument of suppression and embracing language, like "English”, would be in the interest of the generations to come in Telangana?
Kancha Illaiah, the Dalit intellectual that Telangana gave to India always maintained that English medium education is one of the best ways to emancipate Dalits. Don’t you think that our OU dalit student leaders had necessary language skills, should not be given back to National media’s campaign that naxals infiltrated in genuine people movement? Kancha illaiah view needs to be given highest attention, given the situation where jobs are being created only in the private sector and they will be continue to be created in the future too. Don’t you think high school educated Telangana youth do get more jobs if they have English medium education? Don’t you think we need to overhaul all our university education system? Can’t we have a Telangana – Palamur University for sciences – proximity to many pharmacy companies?  Warangal University for arts? Karim Nagar University for commerce. And XYZ for X? Is not the creating centers of excellence is bad idea?
 Is not it the less movement of people across the regions in undivided AP, is the reason for “Trust Deficit” prevailing in the state? Can we afford to have same trust deficit in Telangana as well? No! So if we have people moving from one district to other in pursuit of their dreams will surely result in greater understanding of Telangana sub cultures. Having different centres of excellence across the state further strengths the society bringing down the socio economic disparities and also they help to understand local problems better. If we have Telangana intellectuals, journalists and bureaucrats speared across the country, in what shape Telangana movement should have been today?. There are few moneyed people in the Telangana. At least through soft infrastructure, we should have achieved our goal. Is not it the time to create more and more intellectuals from Telangana for furthering the Telangana interests? This all can be achieved if we have our university education overhauled.
This will be continued in the next post—economy, Cultural changes, Leader ship, Self Esteem …etc.Your comments and feedback will be highly appreciated.
On Personal note:
 Today morning one of my Bihari friends called me to say that he was posted an Assist Superident of Police (ASP) in one of the Telangana Districts. In normal times a friend greets him with congrats or whatever nice courteous words .What I did was - I requested him not to beat up/suppress Telangana people who are fighting for just and righteous cause as his superiors are doing in AP.Perhaps this incident exposes the despondency of Telanganite in the Indian establishment. Only Time will tell If India is really a banana republic or it is a republic that follows its characteristics in letter and spirit.

Friday, April 30, 2010

KCR – An Inspiration for Younger Generation

Please find all my Telangana related blogs on www.simplytelaagana.com ,I am mere reproducing them here.
                     Individual or institutional anniversaries are good stopping points to reflect up on the contributions that they made to the society. Just concluded TRS 10th anniversary celebration is one such awe-inspiring moment to see how an individual personal traits help to build an institution weathering all kind of storms. This is really great fete -building a political institution in the times like these where political loyalty changes like London weather and individual selfish is atop that of the society.
                    He thrived amid all the difficulties. He is none other than our own man – K. Chandra Sekhar Rao. On this day I dwell upon the facts why KCR is an inspiration to younger generation in these times, society has very few persons to look up to. How his “never say die” attitude, exceptional oratory skills, political acumen, personal ethics, if followed in one’s personal life, are great tools for individual growth.
Rose Like a Sphinx record number of times.
                    He had enviable political career till he shunned the comfort of taking shade under the umbrella of TDP to float a political party to fight for the cause of Telangana separate state .Like any daring entrepreneur ridiculed by market, he too was subject to all kind of smack from his detractors and  well wishers. He emerged victorious in the very next elections and subsequently in many other elections. He had his share of defeats too. All these happened as he never diverted his attention away from the goal that he set his eyes on.  At times he was seemed by his detractors that he was away from his goal.
                   In the last elections his poor show at election boxes against the powerful rival YSR, made people to think that his and his party days are numbered. He was written off by his detractors.Nature’s fury at Mr. YSR Reddy  has given necessary shot in the arm of the absolute political strategist who mastered the nuances of polity of India, AP in particular. He is the man rose liked a sphinx from the ashes. Sphinx may rise once in moon time but he has beaten the record umpteen num of times ever since he took the onus of Telangana Separate State formation on his bony shoulders.
                   Not only his political success and failure became subject of criticism but also his personal life. He was ridiculed for his body anatomy. His language became drawing room discussion topic. He became any cartoonist muse to poke fun at. This bony man never succumbed to criticism; instead he stood tall against all that. He answered all of them with his sheer determination. Political success and failures and smack of the society have not taken any attention from his goal.
                    What is the take away for younger generation here?
                     Do your dharma and leave the result to Him.

KCR – A true democrat and visionary in Feudal society.

                      The fact that any thinking citizen admires most of KCR is he is only the democrat left in this state though he born into a feudal family. Going by his style of functioning people may opine that he is an autocrat. I would like differ with all my learned friends. Why? If there is any leader who used Media fruitfully in contemporary India is should be him. He many times given thought provoking ideas to media to bring in healthy debate among the society; be it the question of “Telugu Talli”, “610 GO”, acceptance of Telangana culture.
                     AP Media predominantly staffed with people who never went beyond their home turfs, having no idea of what an healthy debate is about, having wedded to philosophy of “Hate Telangana” – “Cheat Telangana” , never picked up the issues thrown up by Mr. KCR to have healthy debate. Instead they always termed his handout to stimulate debate among society, as utterances. I feel he is true journalist’s delight.KCR exposed dubious journalism practiced in AP. I feel if he was at National level, he should have easily be National intelligentsia’s muse. My only wish is that KCR words can never be termed as utterances, always there was deeper meaning to his words. Any society which built on strong democratic foundation would have taken KCRs thought provoking ideas to ultimate fruition- healthy debate in the society. Given the shaky foundation on which Andhra Pradesh society was built, always disdain him by calling his wise words with as many names.
                     His capabilities did not end with stimulating debates and political strategies. He is good at formulating the policies as well. Backroom boy of Mr. Naidu he formulized many policies. “Training classes to party men”,” Janma bhoomi” and many innovative schemes germinated from the brain of this bony man.  It is he who envisioned the “mono rail”, outer ring road for Hyderabad when good road was a luxury to people of Andhra Pradesh.
                    Youngster can learn the following: agree to disagree.

KCR – Incorruptible man

                        When Telangana movement at its peak, Andhra business man siphoned corers of rupees into media advertising and to mange few political brokers in Delhi. AP society bereft of  morals always accused KCR of taking bribe of Gail Janardhanan reddy to go on hunger strike, he took money go silent after meeting Mr. Chidambaram. To loathe KCR statute among the people who are seeing him as last hope. If he was low on morals, he should have been bought over by Andhra lobby long ago. My question to all those who accuse him of financial fraud- why these gentlemen directly did not approach him with gunny bags, instead of putting them in the purses of News channels and political brokers at Delhi?.
                     What is in for youngster?  Do not succumb to the lures of anything when your eye on goal.

KCR – The Complete Man

                  I always admired the KCRs tenacity to bounce back from lows he was pushed into by the circumstances he has chosen to live in. I wondered where does this lanky draw his strength from. I certainly feel that it is from his family and “DHARMA” he believes in. When he venture out on any mission for creation of telangana, news papers print the pictures of he bowing down before his sisters or mother or other elderly. This perhaps answers my question.
                      In a state where a person with family abetting murders can called as " Maha Neta” and in a state where crooked politician promoting crony capitalism can be called as “Visionary“, I reckon that every rational mind in state agrees with me to the fact that KCR stands well above these gentlemen.
Are not these qualities amount to call one man as “Complete Man”?
For all those youth who can view things rationally, here is an inspiration for you. Believe me he is inspiration ..only for all those youth who have open mind.

After thought: As an insider of the AP society I am fully aware of the fact that the topic this column would invite at least as much criticism as KCRs media briefings do. However that can’t hold me back from saying the obvious.